We can help with all types of parking surveys
Reliable information on parking usage levels and trends, whether on-street or in off-street car parks, provides a clear understanding of how parking is used. This means that the local authority, the private operator or the developer can assess the impact of any proposed changes to the current parking position.
Our parking surveys provide this information and allow decisions to be made on suggested changes to the current parking regime. The survey data in our reports provides robust and user friendly information about demand and usage patterns.
Types of parking surveys we provide include:
Parking stress surveys: a survey looking at parking demand levels is often used to understand parking capacity in an area and assess the impact of any additional parking arising from a new development or change of use site.
Parking beat surveys: these surveys are carried out at regular intervals to assess parking occupancy and duration either in car parks or on-street.
Parking compliance surveys: all parked vehicles are observed to see where parking is illegal so that we can report on the levels of compliance with parking restrictions.
Parking condition surveys: a visual assessment takes place to note the current parking quality, this can include; signage, equipment, surfaces while reporting any potential hazards
Parking capacity surveys: we measure the current parking capacity and provide a judgement on whether it is feasible to increase the number of parking spaces.
Signs & lines surveys: our experienced team will review all signs and lines in order to report on their maintenance levels and on whether they meet the Traffic Signs and Regulations Act requirements.
Electric vehicle survey: these surveys determine the amount of eco-efficient vehicles parked in a car park or on-street.
ATC surveys: rubber strips laid on the road surface collect data on speed, vehicle classification, vehicle direction and traffic volume.
Vehicle entry & exit surveys: we record all vehicle movements at 10-30 minute intervals to determine the sites or car parks peak times.
Queue length surveys: observations are carried out at busy junctions to determine the level of congestion in an area.
Unmet demand survey: these surveys are recommended by The Department of Transport to licensing authorities to review the current taxi demand and whether more taxi licenses are required.
How can we help?
Carrying out parking surveys and supplying useful and professional reports on the results is one of our core specialist areas and we have a focused team to help with all your requirements. We carry out parking surveys for both local authorities and private organisations throughout the UK and are pleased to frequently be asked to carry out repeat work.
In addition, Alpha Parking are pleased to have met the survey standards required to be accepted as one of the preferred survey and consultation suppliers for the National Trip Generation Analysis Team (TRICS) http://www.trics.org/
Please view our case studies page that provides further information on completed projects.
Contact us at parkingenquiries@aparking.co.uk or on 020 7242 2567